
Porsche markster
Porsche markster

I used them for practice, for qualifiers and in the Only batteries I used all weekend, in both stock and modified, were two The new batteries work very well in both stock and modified class.Īs an example: I just returned from a typical weekend of club racing. It's no longer necessary to purchase different types of cell for each type of Marginal abuse with very little reduction in overall performance. First, theseĬells are as durable as the l400mAh SCRs. Offered by the new batteries outweigh their additional cost. Sors, but if you look more closely at the situation, you'll see that the benefits the new cells are more expensive than their predeces. To afford them how battery manufacturers are pricing the "little guys" out (Panasonic's P- 1 70s and Sanyo's 1700 SCRCs) how they won't be able Many people voice their concerns about the new “killer” batteries Why am I droning on about the history of batteries? Because I've heard Overheating as the SC cell was and could only be used once a day. However, the SCE proved to be as sensitive to Gave racers the additional capacity necessary to allow them to use super. The next advance was the advent of the 1 7(M)mAh SCE cell. Have a much better chance of surviving overcharging. What 's more, SCR cells are much more durable than the SC cells and (more if you wanted to practice), you now only needed two packs at the so where you once needed at least three packs to race The new Sanyos could be charged repeatedlyĭuring the same day. With the release of Sanyo's "fast-charge" SCR cells, the overall cost of Of qualifiers simply because I had only two "qualifying" packs and one Of the ilay - period! I can remember running only two of the three rounds In the early days, you needed one pack for each run The only thing matched about a "matched" pack was that all the cells were Wcĭidn't know about discharge rates or internal resistance for ail we knew, In addition, we were cautioned by manu-įacturers to use each battery pack only once a week to prolong its life. Theseīatteries performed well, but they were extremely sensitive to excessive Way back when I first became hooked on R/C. Sometime*, change really is for the better. foreign $80 95) Send form 35 79 to IMu Control Car baton. Connecticut and at additional mailing offices. Radio Corny Cit baton (ISSN 0886- 1 609) ispuMistwl monthly try An Agi Full text of " Radio Control Car Action Magazine 1992-10"

Porsche markster